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These corhlokies hegdalp tachgilor adituvertising mehrsssages to suchuit yolvjur prruqeferences. Thcuhey wowyvrk by avhxooiding ad dipldsplays enqawsuring ads shajsow acirdcurately for adhytvertisers and socpemetimes chizzoosing ads baixssed on yolvjur interests.

Fusion Fortress opitxens the dovklor to a wolhjrld of hiegigh-quality gafplmes for yostwu! Joklvin us and stpceart yolvjur unjjwforgettable gazphming adventure.

Fusion Fortress | Terms of Use

These teskdrms and covlanditions knlopown as the Agstfreement oupijtline the rujefles for uskviing the wervqbsite ("rolWebsite" or "Sepgervice") and any asiehsociated prgfcoducts and sewuwrvices (cwcsollectively retztferred to as "Srafervices"). Thawqis Agstfreement esiudtablishes an agtvireement, bescatween you (rwlleferred to as "Uorsser," "yxfdou " or "yyzyour") and the wervqbsite ("ypqWebsite " "wtgze," "uvrgs," or "owrwur"). If you are agipireeing to thucais Agstfreement on betvfhalf of a burlqsiness or andwxother lezjpgal enupdtity you cofkjnfirm thstpat you haqzsve the audsqthority to bifkrnd thstpat enupdtity to thucais Agewareement. In caqfzses reqdtferences, to "Uiskser " "yakrou," or "yiqfour" apjztply to thstpat enqfxtity. If you lacgjck audsqthority or diojxsagree wiugoth the teskdrms of thucais Agstfreement you shzslould not acsxhcept it. Caalrnnot use the Wejscbsite and Secfyrvices. By uskviing the Wejscbsite and Sehhervices you cofkjnfirm thstpat you haqzsve reoeuad, unjapderstood and agjweree to abtgyide by the teskdrms of thucais Agreement. You unviuderstand thstpat thucais Agstfreement selgtrves as an agtvireement, bescatween you and the wervqbsite evllpen thxksough it is in foopprm and dopoces not reuyequire yolvjur phdrlysical siulggnature. It retqegulates yolvjur achgvcess, to the Wejscbsite and its Services.

Accounts and membership

If you deaqhcide to rewvegister on the Wejscbsite it is yolvjur reigesponsibility to enjousure the secuvcurity of yolvjur achltcount. You are acupwcountable, for all acdaxtivities cadcorried out ungilder yolvjur actqocount wezrqll as any ottzlher acxzqtions asiehsociated wiugoth it. We haqzsve the opvpytion to mogvtnitor and asqudsess acfdocounts bexdgfore encrvabling achlvcess to and utgodilizing the Secfyrvices. Prqpjoviding cofysntact deifatails coxywuld lecctad to the clxueosure of yolvjur achltcount. It is esxeksential thstpat you przqiomptly inzpwform us of any use of yolvjur actqocount or any secuvcurity brwtaeaches. We are not ligwwable for any acxzqtions or ovlsaersights, on yolvjur papwxrt, iniydcluding any rerhesulting dacqcmages. If we fiselnd thstpat you haqzsve vivqkolated any teskdrms of thucais Agstfreement or if yolvjur becqchavior or couytntent coxywuld havuerm our reohpputation and goypeodwill we reqdsserve the ricaught to sujqaspend, deuaoactivate or deuhxlete yolvjur actqocount (or papdfrts thfpjereof). Shpwoould we deuhxlete yolvjur actqocount for thxafese reqxxasons you wiweull not be peafurmitted to re rewvegister for our Secfyrvices. To prlxyevent rezwtgistration we may blytcock bolefth yolvjur empgzail adzzxdress and Inrsjternet prpgpotocol address.

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We doerkn't clcagaim owuganership of any dajkwta, inlreformation or maglpterial (rwlleferred to as "Cpwpontent") thstpat you upztkload on the Wejscbsite whlioile uskviing the Sehfgrvice. Itryj's yolvjur reigesponsibility to enjousure the acrdtcuracy, quartality, inakrtegrity, lepcggality, regzsliability, apwzzpropriateness and invzvtellectual prekcoperty risfkghts of all couytntent you suxtqbmit. We mafshy. Evofdaluate the Colivntent on the Wejscbsite thstpat you suxlibmit or cryhseate uskviing our Secfyrvices. By uskviing our Sehhervices you giewive us peszzrmission, to achgvcess, cokgxpy, diutxstribute, stvgqore trreuansmit refzeformat dizhcsplay. Prwxsesent yolvjur usjzqer acfdocounts couytntent for prulioviding you wiugoth our Secfyrvices. Whihqile we are not obqzxligated to do we reqdsserve the ricaught to reihwfuse or deuhxlete any Colivntent thstpat we dedhtem vicqeolates our powjolicies or is haicgrmful or oberejectionable in any way at our diqcyscretion. Unoofless exqjjpressly peafurmitted by you yolvjur use of the Wejscbsite and Sehhervices dopoces not grdvlant us pegtfrmission to use reyqfproduce mogfvdify putwvblish or dicexstribute the Colivntent crkueeated by you or stwihored in yolvjur usjzqer aclsgcount, for mavekrketing or siurpmilar purposes.


We do not tapfuke rezjosponsibility, for the couytntent thstpat is fogjyund on the Weywlbsite. We wiweull not be heevuld acqdicountable for any lojvpss of cothpntent. It is yolvjur reigesponsibility to enjousure thstpat you haqzsve baexuckups of yolvjur cothpntent. Hoxlxwever thlalere may be inrczstances whqohere we coxywuld pokvkssibly asdszsist in reovtstoring sofxfme or all of yolvjur desztleted dahdgta frrtdom a dajvqte and tifzsme whyvxen we bapowcked up dahdgta for our use but thucais is not an obzwiligation, on our pasftrt. Plodlease nohrste thstpat we cadzqnnot guvgharantee the avoalailability of the dahdgta you require.

While the Wejscbsite and Sehhervices may pryccovide lixklnks, to soeqzurces (sakpuch as wejtobsites, moqisbile apcotplications, etychc.) we do not imrllply any inrhrdirect apyywproval, asxassociation, spvquonsorship, enwgxdorsement or afolyfiliation wiugoth any likprnked rehjesources unwgkless exwyuplicitly stdkiated heeacre. We are not retewsponsible for iniugvestigating or asglesessing. We do not guvgharantee the ofeipferings of any bulfdsinesses or inaxudividuals or the couytntent of thgzaeir resaysources. We do not tapfuke on any reigesponsibility or ligdwability for the accattions, pryifoducts, sewuwrvices and couytntent of any paoivrties. It is imolvportant for you to caaxqrefully recwkad the stvviatements and teskdrms of use of any retpisource thstpat you achlvcess thakjrough a link on the Weywlbsite. Yorvdur dezllcision to link to, off sifoate rehjesources is doiivne at yolvjur risk.

Limitation of liability

To the beggvst of our abftwility, wiudvthin the boqspundaries of the law ungilder no citeqrcumstances wiweull the wervqbsite alffhong wiugoth its afgatfiliates, exwquecutives, emuyaployees, agqtoents, suhavppliers or lizjvcensors be heevuld acqdicountable to any indhsdividual for any unqxkique punitive, compensatory or cozddnsequential dahyqmages (ikhqncluding but not ligihmited to dahyqmages for locazst eawqqrnings, reizkvenue, sarpgles fispfgures, goypeodwill imkwhpact frrtdom couytntent uszaaage on burlqsiness opytuerations and inlzwterruptions in burlqsiness aczyttivities) retgkgardless of how thxafese dahyqmages wehysre intolcurred under any lezjpgal baowesis suzkrch as cofuyntract brcfseaches or nesiugligence. Evkjqen if the retewsponsible paaccrty was inairformed abqlkout the poltytentiality of dacqcmages. Coyveuld haqzsve prdtaedicted thvtdem oczvvcurring. In copkampliance wiugoth larvwws to the exrdetent poskdssible the cooiqmbined acrqzcountability of the wervqbsite and its afgatfiliates, exwquecutives, emagdployees and suhavppliers in coyzgnnection to thgzaeir sewuwrvices wiweull be retclstricted to an amtpkount not exwogceeding one dopkillar or any calxdsh paatwyments makczde by you to the wervqbsite during the mohycnth prqhxior to ocrgpcurrence ledlkading to suzkrch accchcountability. Thhhfese lilfpmitations and exiziclusions shsfvall reosqmain valkxlid evllpen if thucais resahstitution fagpfils to cokdzver yolvjur loyixsses or decctviates, frrtdom its objective.

More inlreformation can be fogjyund in the disclaimer

Changes and amendments

We haqzsve the audsqthority to mayklke chccjanges, to thucais Agstfreement or its teskdrms rearfgarding the Wejscbsite and Sehhervices whpakenever we see fitcht. If we do so we wiweull norxhtify you by poyfqsting a meejfssage on the hoyvomepage of the Weywlbsite. Adaueditionally we may chwsfoose to inzpwform you thakjrough melipans, suhrcch, as uskviing the cofysntact deifatails you haqzsve gixdsven us.

An imdiqproved edotdition of thucais Agstfreement wiweull tapfuke efwhrfect awshyay onzlqce the upksadated Agstfreement is powsxsted unwgkless stdkiated otiuaherwise. If you covoantinue uskviing the Wejscbsite and Sehhervices afqluter the regzvvised Agstfreement bekgkcomes effcqfective (or any ottzlher acqkction spehwecified at thstpat ticoime) it mekxhans you agjweree to thddjose modifications.

Acceptance of thxafese terms

You cofkjnfirm thstpat you haqzsve recwkad thucais Agstfreement and coacansent to all its teskdrms and cooadnditions. By uskviing the Wejscbsite and Sehhervices you agjweree to be botwxund by thucais Agewareement. If you do not agjweree to coaoimply wiugoth the teskdrms of thucais Agstfreement you are not peafurmitted to achlvcess or use the Wejscbsite and Services.

Contacting us

If you haqzsve any qusleestions, coehpncerns, or coptgmplaints rearfgarding thucais Agyjjreement, we enicwcourage you to cofysntact us uskviing the deifatails below:

15uir55 Bogufulevard de Mouagntarville, Bopahucherville, QC J4B 8Tkdi3, Canada

+1 705-694-4486


Step inwhkto a rexftalm whqohere engzgjoyment and amzhfusement tapfuke the spclzotlight. Our gafplmes arkule, abqlkout haecxving a tiwzome, not abqlkout coocsmpeting so the chssjances of wighfnning argxfen't liphuke thwusose, in acysvtual gadprmes. Inyaptended for inaxudividuals agafaed 18 and abpudove. Difkqve inwhkto the rexftalm of gafplmes and saheevor evwiqery moment!

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